Wham! Bam! Thank You Ma’am!

It’s almost exactly a year since we moved Ana out from sharing a field with Pedro (Relocation, relocation, relocation). We had not wanted her to become pregnant too early, and we also recognised that she was a very trainable llama who could be accustomed to walking on a lead before she became as “untouchable” as many adult females.

Since then, she has been with Duc and Valentine, and the three of them have been known as The Walkers. Ana has grown bigger and stronger, though she still seems small alongside the two males.

But if we are in the llama breeding business, then we need to get on with the breeding business!

So, this morning, I set about reintroducing her to Pedro.

Duc and Valentine watched anxiously as I set off on the short journey. Ana was, as always, extremely reluctant to cross the stream, but once she had been persuaded to make the jump, in no time we were entering the big field.

I had no idea how this would work. Pedro has spent many recent hours snorting and strutting along the boundary of his field, on the side nearest to Ana and the two males. I have assumed this to be largely a matter of inter-male posing, and wondered whether Pedro actually was interested in Ana. In recent months, we haven’t seem him showing any interest in Elif – and have hoped that she is perhaps pregnant. He has attempted to mate with Capucine a couple of times, though we’re not sure that he was successful. So, Pedro’s sexual prowess has been in doubt . . . .

Ah, well, no need to worry about that. No sooner was Ana off the lead, than Pedro came hurtling across the field. Full of rampant virility, he chased her up the hill, together with all his excited harem.

Within seconds, before she’d even had chance to make the acquaintance of the other females, he had her pinned to the ground. And so began the strange, noisy process that is llama mating.

Apparently, the noise of the male is known as ‘orgling’. The female remains silent and dignified, while the other llamas in a herd seem to treat it all as a not-very-interesting spectator sport.

The player will show here

Ana now takes her place in the harem as a full adult female. She preens and poses, straight-backed and tail-up. She’s a rival for Elif, and don’t they both know it. Sexual politics, llama-style.

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