Telling Porkies

Fast forward from July 2007 to November 2009. A surprisingly big lot has happened in these last couple of years, and we are now really living in that world we dreamt of, back in those work-torn days of yesteryear. I wonder if I will ever cease to feel amazed at how Life can change so completely within such a relatively short space of time.

So, we have miraculously sold our Derby house and our French holiday house, and have indeed found our bargain little dream house in the country, with lots of trees and no neighbours. We have dogs and cats galore, and chickens and llamas. And now we also have our little piggywigs.

And what delightful little hogs they are! They have been here nearly two weeks and are well established as part of our extended family. They grunt and squeak, and snort and squeal. They pootle and run, and bounce and snuffle. And they plough.

Yes they PLOUGH!

According to all the received wisdom about Kune Kune pigs, they are grazers – not-rooters……

The Kune Kune pig can be left to wander around several acres of enclosed land and will not normally root or dig…. Because of their small size they do not cut the land up as much as larger pigs.


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2 Responses to Telling Porkies

  1. Jane says:

    Yes but have they found the setic tank yet?!

  2. Val says:

    Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) not. Perhaps that’s what Stubbs is digging for, under our living room floor?

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