I have wanted to write again for a while now. It is much harder than I remembered. Things get started. And sometimes things even get continued. But always they fizzle out, like used sparklers in a bucket of water. Probably … Continue reading
FFS! (As they say in textland). How is it possible that TWO MORE MONTHS (plus a bit) have passed since my previous post. Perhaps I have finally discovered the Art of Living In The Moment, rather than endlessly reflecting on … Continue reading
During a conversation this weekend with our llama-loving friends, Sue asked us if we were really planning to sell our place here and move to England. “Of course we are” I said, wondering why she might think otherwise. She pointed … Continue reading
Moments like this are why the early morning dog walk is a Thing of Joy.
Five weeks have passed since Simon’s last (and notably brief) post. Which means that Baby William (aka Wild Bill) is now five weeks old, and his parents feel considerably more than five weeks older. After a honeymoon period of a … Continue reading
2011 may have been an exceptionally dry year, but its final twenty-four hours did their best to put things right. The morning of the last day of the year found gushing rivers where tracks were supposed to be, and ponds … Continue reading