FFS! (As they say in textland). How is it possible that TWO MORE MONTHS (plus a bit) have passed since my previous post. Perhaps I have finally discovered the Art of Living In The Moment, rather than endlessly reflecting on … Continue reading
Hello again whoever you are. Frankly, I am surprised to find you here again, given the enormously long gap since my last post. In your position, I would have considered this a well and truly ex-blog, and have long since … Continue reading
I think I shall always want to keep chickens. They do, however, have disadvantages as well as advantages . . .
One of the most different things about our current life is just how much we really are more ‘in touch with nature’. It sounds like a cliché…. “Well, we want to move to the countryside, and be… you know… more … Continue reading
I don’t know what happened to Autumn this year. I guess it must have had another party to go to. It sure as hell didn’t stick around here for long. One day I’m giggling in the flurrying scurrying of red … Continue reading
I am bereft. Naughty Chicken has died.