And the answer to the question posed at the end of the previous post is…. One Hundred and Ten Days (give or take a day).
I am writing this oh-so-rare post with a cat snuggled down on my lap. Nothing odd about that, you might think (apart from the fact that I am writing a post at all, when I seem to have given up … Continue reading
FFS! (As they say in textland). How is it possible that TWO MORE MONTHS (plus a bit) have passed since my previous post. Perhaps I have finally discovered the Art of Living In The Moment, rather than endlessly reflecting on … Continue reading
Hello again whoever you are. Frankly, I am surprised to find you here again, given the enormously long gap since my last post. In your position, I would have considered this a well and truly ex-blog, and have long since … Continue reading
A while back, sick of the nightly trauma of chasing reluctant cats out from inaccessible hiding places behind and under furniture to put them out of the house for the night, Simon decided to fit a cat flap. Despite the … Continue reading
The cat surgery was completed successfully and two very unsteady and disorientated cats came home to the barn. As Val left the next day to spend two weeks in the UK, any issue over their care fell to me.