The basic diet of a llama is simple – grass and water. Provided you have enough land (see this page) and you provide a constant supply of water, then almost all their nutritional needs are met.
In winter (at least from December to March, but this depends on your land and the weather), you will have to supply hay. They need a constant supply, and this is likely to average about one small bale (15kg) of hay per llama per week. So for a group of three llamas, you’ll probably need about a bale every two days. Price of hay varies from year to year, but if you have to buy it in, a bale will probably cost about 2€. Big round bales are much cheaper per kilo, and are fine as long as you have somewhere to store them under cover.
We also give our llamas supplementary granulated feed. This is not essential, especially in summer, but we still give a small amount each day even when the grass is most plentiful. It gives us an opportunity to interact closely with them every day. As well as keeping them used to being around people, it gives us the chance to check them over and brush them. There are no specially formulated llama feeds on sale in France, but we use goat food as the mineral content is well suited to llamas. We buy the food intended for milking goats, and give extra to any nursing mothers. We give about 250g of granules per llama per day in the winter, and perhaps half this in the summer. A 25kg sack costs around 10€, and this is enough for at least 100 days for one llama, even in the winter.