Spring chickens

Spring may still be nearly a week away, but the weather has been superb for the last three days.

On Thursday, we went for lunch to Lin and Pete’s. Sitting outside in the sun, we relaxed and managed to get the first suntan of the year. As the temperature passed 20°C we all marvelled that such a nice day could come out of nowhere as the dismal winter came towards the end. Pete — an avid recorder of weather data — commented that they had not experienced a frost after this date in the six years they have been in this house.

On Friday, Val went off to cooler England to empty our house prior to the long awaited sale (fingers crossed). I remain, thoroughly enjoying the company of the various animals. The llamas are really relaxed as the sun shines throughout the nearly windless day. Everything seems positive. Even the man we have dubbed Mr Grumpy, who works the vineyard just down from the first llama field, gives me a cheery ‘bonjour’. And as I sit on the balcony, relishing the solitude and getting to grips with Les Misérables, the temperature passes 23°C.

The chickens are returning to some of their summer behaviour patterns. By 7 in the morning, they are bouncing around in the hen house impatient to be released. As the sun reaches high into the noon sky, they disappear under bushes, searching for restful shade. Then they come out for more food and the first dust bath of the year.

It’s a good life. I’m enjoying being on my own for a while. I suppose I should gather my strength to do preparations for the forthcoming move, but for now it seems right to remain firmly in the warmth of the present.

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